Hi! I'm Jasper and I built Chronobill 👋🏼

This might come as a suprise, but the Chronobill team is just me! I do all of the development, marketing and customer support. I'm 23 years old and currently based in Ghent, Belgium.

I built Chronobill because I wanted to have a simple and easy to use invoicing / time tracking tool for my own freelance work. I've been freelancing for about 1,5 years now and I've always struggled with the complexity of other invoicing / time tracking tools.

I multi-task a lot and I'm not the most organized person, so I wanted to build a tool that would help me keep track of my time and invoices without having to spend too much time on it.

My hope is that this app improves your life as much as it has improved mine.

Feel free to reach out to me (info@chronobill.be) or follow me on Twitter (@chronobillapp) where I give updates on the project.

(PS check out my other app sidetrack if you want to be better at managing your side projects or visit my personal website to get to know me or work together with me!)

— Jasper Vermeulen